The Zarb Homestead

Living natural and healthy on a simple budget

Wedding Planning: Right on Target March 28, 2011

Filed under: postaday2011 — Sheena @ 7:17 pm
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On Sunday, Phil and I went to Target to begin our wedding registry because we were starting to get the question “where are you two registered at” and didn’t have an answer. Since this past weekend was a wash out, due to the rain, we decided to run around town to do some shopping and get a start on our wedding registry. First we did a little personal shopping, starting at Borders. I had a 40% off coupon and wanted a new book to read. Of course, once I starting looking around I find 20 books I needed but I was good and only purchased the one I went there for. Afterward, we had a hunger hibachi and sushi so we went to lunch at Kampi of Tokyo, one of Phil’s much loved restaurants.  Following lunch, we had a few other stops: Bath & Body Works for a few hand sanitizer and soaps given that I have developed a small case of germophia since I started working in an office, Victoria Secret for their big sale and finally off to Target for the wedding registry.

We didn’t think this trip would take too long since we already have a house and it didn’t feel too empty. Boy were we wrong, once we started the journey up and down the aisles with that scanner, we ended up needing/wanting a lot more than expected. Presently, everything in our home is either hand-me-downs or discount items, from the mix-matched towels to the furniture. We don’t have themes or colors scheme, we just live with what we have, even if our sofa and love seat are purple with rips in the pillows 🙂 We thought it was would be nice, for a change, to have things in our home that matched one another so we picked out colors scheme: green, brown, and teal.

We started our journey out in the home goods department. One of the first things we looked at was curtains. Currently, we don’t have curtains or binds but in one room of the house and we need them in every room. We didn’t comprehend all the items involved in putting up window treatments and by the time we were done scanning rods, hooks, white curtains, decorative curtains, and curtain ties we were worn out.  We scanned a few other things like sheets and rugs that we liked but Phil’s feet were starting to hurt and I was mentally exhausted from trying to make everything match and flow in my head, so we called it a day. We still have at least one more round at Target, because we didn’t get too in depth in the kitchen section and wanted to scan a few more things we desired. Overall, we had a good time. It was really nice be able to pick out nice things for our home and imaging how our house will look if we got some of those things we put on our list.

When planning a wedding, you get so wrapped up in all of it you forget that there is actually a wedding. Our wedding is no more than 68 days away and I’m starting to get that I’M GETTING MARRIED feeling. We are getting so excited and can’t wait to share our special day with our friends and family!  We still have a few more things to figure out before June 4th but we are moving in the right direction. I am so happy it is finally coming together!



3 Responses to “Wedding Planning: Right on Target”

  1. Listen2Thea Says:

    I’m getting excited for you!!!
    Don’t forget–you can create your Gift Registry without having to leave the house! I do a ton of shopping on Amazon because I live in a small town that doesn’t have any thing available that I like most of the time. And because Amazon sells for multiple stores you’ll have even more of a selection all at one source!
    Thinking of you…

  2. Sheena Says:

    I never thought of Amazon, good idea!

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